Digital WarRoom Single Matter - Hosted eDiscovery

Cloud Based eDiscovery Subscription For Hosting a Single Matter Without Commitment

$500/Month for 50 GBs


Digital WarRoom Single Matter puts powerful, high-end eDiscovery technology in your hands starting at $500/Month with no long-term commitment. Tiered pricing increases cost efficiency as the matter grows. Urgent deadline?  We will personalize our training to your needs and timeline so that you can complete your requirements.

No Processing Fees.   No User Fees.  

Don’t pay to process and host irrelevant junk files. Use Digital WarRoom culling tools to reduce data volume and cut costs in subsequent months.

Digital WarRoom Workflow

  • Upload or deliver Client and Opposing party data

  • Allow your Digital WarRoom team to train/assist

  • Process, OCR, index for keyword searching

  • Explore your documents, filter for gross relevancy

  • Remove or suppress non-relevant documents

  • Review documents, tag, develop and organize legal strategy

  • Manage a privilege log, redact documents

  • Produce documents in a variety of formats

  • Segregate for experts and protective orders

  • Prepare for depositions, exhibits

Other Facts and Features

  • FAST process, and review documents within a day

  • EASY to learn, free training and support

  • UNLIMITED GB Processing

  • COMPREHENSIVE over 500 file types can be processed, reviewed, produced

  • De-NIST process removes application software, .exe files, and other non-relevant program files 

  • EXCEPTION reports help you identify corrupt or encrypted documents and process exceptions

  • ANALYZE Early Case Assessment graphical “Who to Whom” feature quickly scope document volumes and determine review resource requirements

  • PORTABLE document binders support paperless depositions and document sharing

  • EASY TO LOAD adverse/3rd party data with load files wizard

  • AUTOMATIC privilege log generation

  • DEFENSIBLE Detailed tracking of document chain of custody, all content, decisions, actions.