Management Console - included with your Private Cloud - is an administrator report of all usage metrics and individual user activity. These metrics can be used both for general matter management and for maintaining accurate cost expectations.
Gone are the days of manually recording client's preservation activity, incoming data, productions activity, and review activity in a spreadsheet. With Management Console, all activity will be tracked automatically.
The Management Console timestamps and logs the user ID that performed each action across all matters.
Quickly reference global activity and when things happened
Quickly monitor your bill as it is updated throughout the month – giving you the ability to proactively make clarifications
With Management Console, you can request invoices to be split across your matters using any flat fee or calculation you choose.
Host all your matters in one Private Cloud environment. Once you have an understanding of eDiscovery cost expectations, communicate with your clients and agree on a billing metric for each individual matter, but make it simple – for example, $2/GB/month, or $100/Month. When you create an organized, cost recovery system under this model, your clients will appreciate a lower bill and your firm will recover all costs under a standardized workflow, saving money, time and energy.
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