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Digital WarRoom Pricing




$500 / Month

  • 1 Matter: Unlimited Users
  • 50 GBs Included
  • $10 --> $1/GB thereafter
  • No Processing Fees
  • Unlimited Email Support Desk
  • Unlimited Application Training
  • Single Matter Pricing Tiers
  • Learn More


$2,000 / Month

Near-line archive your matter for $0.25 / GB with a $100 minimum. Professional Services proposals available on request.

Buyers FAQ

Are there any further fees beyond what is listed on this page?

No further fees! Digital WarRoom prides itself on making pricing information available on our website. There are no additional fees besides what is expressly stated here.

This includes – no processing fees, no matter setup fees, no matter migration fees, no support or training fees in hosted subscriptions.

Professional services are available at an hourly rate but are not required. Once your matter is setup, all standard features are available DIY.

What are the benefits of a hosted subscription vs the on-premise Pro software?

We highly encourage firms and organizations to consider our hosted environments. Hosted environments have the following added benefits

  • Our servers are configured to optimize processing speeds - massive throughput for document ingestion, production, and export
  • No additional infrastructure, hardware or 3rd party software costs
  • DWR manages all security and you can outsource the security risk to DWR – our cloud contracts include security guarantees in writing
  • Multiple users can access the same database – collaborate with co-counsel or other colleagues using separate remote connections
  • Digital WarRoom experts have greater visibility into your environment to assist with support requests
  • 1-2 Months of included, personalized training via Zoom screen share
  • DWR Management Console is available to track user and billing activity across your matters

Are there any features, functionality and interface differences between the three products listed?

Each product uses the exact same software application, only differing on Desktop vs Cloud, and several other subscription metrics.

What are the main goals of DWR when providing training?

We want to make you a top 10%, self sufficient eDiscovery professional. We are not just training you on the tool, but also how to create and adapt workflows to different matters and scenarios. We understand that you may have more questions after an initial 1 hour demo. In our opinion, the best learning happens from experience. That’s why if you run into problems when reviewing or creating a production, we’ll jump on a video conference with you. We’ll provide instructions, and you’ll make every click yourself so that next time, you’ll be able to do it yourself. Rinse and repeat, and you’ll be fully capable conducting eDiscovery!

What are the support desk hours? Is DWR available any time outside of these hours? If I have a deadline in 24 hours, will DWR help me meet that deadline?

Help desk hours are 6am – 6pm Pacific time from Monday - Friday. During these hours, someone from either our Seattle, Dallas, or New York office will assist you. We do occasionally check our support tickets outside of these hours, so if you have an urgent request, we will provide assistance at our own discretion as soon as we notice your ticket. If you have a fast approaching deadline that requires services outside of business hours, you can help us best serve you by notifying us of this deadline during our normal hours. If you say “all hands on deck”, we’ll make it our priority to help you get your project done in your time-frame, whether that involves help desk email support, project management, or professional services.

What is the difference between matter specific training and professional services?

Matter specific training is only provided during the onboarding phase of our subscription services. It is a senior consultant assisting on the phone or via Zoom to achieve tasks or deliverables specific to a client matter including: processing client data, loading opposing party productions, gross relevancy analysis, matter setup, review setup, workflow advice, privilege log management, redactions, production depo preparation. After onboarding, we always have professional services and consultants available to do tasks with or without the customer. Basic software training and email help desk services are always included.

What are Digital WarRoom’s rates for professional services?

Professional services range from $250 to $350 /hour. We are not a service company, but our consultants are available to take over certain tasks if you have difficulties or are in a pinch. Our service team is comprised of eDiscovery experts, all with 15+ years of experience in the industry. Examples of professional services and exact rates are listed here.

Which GBs are billable? (Hosted)

The following items are billable as GBs hosted or incremental storage


  • Processed and expanded client files on disk
  • Productions including Third Party and Opposing Party files imported into the system
  • The database itself – usually around 1 GB per million files. (Has never exceeded 10 GBs per matter)

The following files and associated GBs are not billable

  • Key word indexes
  • Duplicate files or emails
  • The image cache - images of documents to be produced or redacted
  • Third party load files
  • FTP space (limited data availability)
  • Space on the desktop (limited data availability)
  • Disaster recovery backups

How does DWR determine the number of GBs to charge in any given month? (Hosted)

Digital WarRoom compiles your bill based on the maximum number of GBs preserved in the tool at any point during the month. If you delete all your data, you will still be charged for that month. However, it may be a good cost management strategy to trim down unimportant data before the beginning of the next month's billing cycle.

What are the hardware requirements for DWR Pro?

The specs of your machine may limit the efficiency of DWR Pro. For the best results, we strongly recommend you consider:

  • A high end desktop / small server class computer or equivalent
  • A server operating system for DWR PR MU (Multi-user version)


  • Quad-core Intel® Xeon® or better


  • Minimum 8GB | Recommended 16GB | Preferred 32 GB

Storage (GBs)

  • One 1000-2000 GB drive
  • Recommended: two separate physical or logical hard drives
  • One for the operating system, and one for your data and databases
  • Preferred: multiple hard drives using RAID 1/5 [1x2TB, 5x2TB]
  • Backup: we suggest an external drive to make an occasional backup and/or a network backup

I am interested in DWR Pro and I anticipate needing more than 2 hours of live support. Is there an option to pay for more training?

We sell a bundle of DWR Pro training – 10 hours of training for $1000. DWR Pro training is only available as a bundle, not hourly.

What is DWR Management Console?

Administrative tool for litigation managers, partners or litigation support practice professionals. It’s a quick view of all matters in your private cloud and all relevant metrics by user including productions, bates ranges and collections processed provided in near real time for the current month and looking back 12 months. Management console includes reports and tools for exporting billable metrics to your accounting system or allowing Digital WarRoom to create custom split invoices for cost recovery in your matter. Each invoice you hand to your client can be customized to the billing philosophy of your particular firm or the way you negotiated fees with your particular client. Throughout your eDiscovery project, you will be able to help your client manage cost expectations by keeping track of the amount of data collected.

What happens during onboarding?

Single Matter and Private Cloud: Once you purchase DWR, please allow us some time to set up your hosted environment. At this time, we will set up an initial training, help you upload data into Digital WarRoom and get you started on your first matter.

DWR Pro: We will provide instructions to walk you through the installation of DWR Pro, as well as a free copy of SQL Server Express 2012, which is required for DWR Pro to run. Before purchasing DWR Pro, please make sure you meet the minimum hardware requirements. All requirements are covered on our DWR Pro onboarding page: